3rd GEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholder Workshop
March 23-25, 2015, Norfolk, VA, USA

Scope | Deadlines | Venue | Logistics | Committees | Participation | Output | Abstracts | Registration | Accommodation | Sessions | Schedule | Program

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  • Joint Breakout Sessions: “Creating the practice-relevant knowledge to cope with global change”
    1. For societal goals such as the emerging SDGs and the GEO Targets, are we making the best use of the “data super nova” to generate the knowledge needed to achieve these goals?
    2. Is there a need to increase the usability and userfriendliness of the data and information provided by GEOSS and how could that be achieved?
    3. Is there a need for a higher level of integration of earth observation and socie-economic data and how could progress made toward this integration?
    4. Considering the speed of change and the potential for emerging risks, are we providing the science and observations to respond rapidly to emerging knowledge needs?
    5. Are we sufficiently focused on societal challenges arising from societal goals expressed through, for example, the SDGs, the new framework for disaster risk reduction, or the GEO Strategic Targets?