Implementing and Monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals in the Caribbean: The Role of the Ocean

Story (pdf)
Executive Summary (pdf)
Report (Long Version, pdf)
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Table Round Questions
2+2 Forms
Data inventory, Matching Framework
Background Material
Session Form

SDG-14 gets least respect from country leaders; read more ...
Workshop on Sargassum and Oil Spills

Identifying and Articulating Knowledge Needs for the Implementation and Monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals in Caribbean Small Island States and Matching Those Needs to Knowledge, Tools, and Data.

Questions for Table Round 2

The second table discussion round focused on the variables, and specifically ocean-related variables, that need to be known in order to generate knowledge in support of SDG implementation. The participants at each table were asked to consider the relevant questions from the following list:

  1. Is science support available to your government or your group to assist in decision making related to the implementation, monitoring and reporting of the SDGs?
  2. Are scenario-based approaches used to assess policy options and their potential impacts and to evaluate the policy impacts?
  3. In your thematic area, what data are used to address the challenges for SDG implementation and to monitor progress?
  4. What ocean-related data are available and accessible and what data are missing or not fit-for-purpose?
  5. Are you aware of knowledge and capacity gaps impacting your efforts to make progress towards the goals?
  6. What practical steps would you recommend to address the knowledge and capacity gaps identified?
  7. What ocean-related variables should be monitored to support your efforts to implement and monitor the SDGs?

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This workshop was sponsored by:

under grant 80NSSC17K0241