Implementing and Monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals in the Caribbean: The Role of the Ocean

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Data inventory, Matching Framework
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SDG-14 gets least respect from country leaders; read more ...
Workshop on Sargassum and Oil Spills

Identifying and Articulating Knowledge Needs for the Implementation and Monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals in Caribbean Small Island States and Matching Those Needs to Knowledge, Tools, and Data.

Brief Biography

Mr. Attish Kanhai
Institute for Marine Affairs, Trinidad and Tobago

Attish Kanhai is a Benthic Ecologist with special interest in invasive organisms and marine plastic pollution. A native of Trinidad and Tobago, Attish graduated from the University of the West Indies with a Bachelor of Science in Biology where he developed his love for the Marine Sciences. He would later complete a Master of Science in Coastal Zone Engineering and Management also at UWI. Attish has spent the last five years working as a Benthic Ecologist in Trinidad and Tobago. His favourite polychaetes belong to the genus Spirobranchus as he thinks their bright colours match his personality.

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This workshop was sponsored by:

under grant 80NSSC17K0241