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SESSIONSBreakout Sessions Block 2: Sustaining GEOSS in a Changing World In this breakout session block, new paths to a sustained earth observing system of systems capable of providing solution-focused and practice relevant information was discussed. Sustaining regional networks, inlcuding those in the developing world is of particular interest. Building capacity both in the collection of the observations and in the use of the data to create the practice-relevant knowledge is another cornerstone. Finally having information systems that provide to users what they need to address societal challenges is crucial to utilize the benefits of earth observations. Breakout Session 2.1: Global and Regional Observation Networks Sustainability and Capacity Building Co-Chairs: Senay Habtezion, Bob Chen, Rapporteur: Wolfgang Graps The session focused on the costing of measurement and monitoring and the value of investing in both new measurements where needed and in making existing measurements useful for assessing targets. The economic aspect of sustaining observation networks and services is essential, and having an idea of the investment and operating costs of monitoring systems is essential to help make monitoring a stainable exercise by itself. An example of a cost assessment is an effort made by GCOS, see On top of the costs of measurement and monitoring, the session explicitly addressed the "economic value" of measurement and monitoring for the application/decision being addressed. In the decision on a more extensive use of measurement and monitoring in decision making processes at all levels, The economic value is one of the key factors being considered, as well as other kinds of benefits. An effort is undertaken with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) to pull together some ballpark estimates as a potential input to the June 2015 development financing meeting. The outcome of the breakout session and the overall workshop could be quite helpful for this process. While it is nice to have a forward look at new emerging technologies, in this session, it was consider what can be reasonably put into practice in order to implement a "GEOSS for all". In particular, this effort should consider needs of the developing countries or countries that might lag behind in terms of technological take-up. Breakout Session 2.2: A Sustainable GEO Information System of Systems Chair: Stefano Nativi, Rapporteur: Greg Yetman New governance and resourcing mechanisms is another challenging dimension for knowledge creation, (also considering the many initiatives underplay). "Reproducible science" and "multi-disciplinary knowledge creation to address complexity" are important subjects of a more cross-cutting nature which was addressed in this breakout session. The session explored how these governance and resourcing mechanisms can help to improve applicability, reproducability, traceability, and usability of data, information and knowledge. The linkage between governance and users, for example, through advanced user feedback on data and service quality and applicability, will also be addressed. References: See; Back to session overview |