ConnectinGEO and ENEON Workshop Week
October 10-14, 2016, Laxenburg, Austria
Gap Analysis and Prioritization - ENEON Plenary
ConnectinGEO Project Meeting

Scope | Deadlines | Venue | Logistics | Committees | Participation | Output | Abstracts | Registration | Accommodation | Schedule | Program

Workshop infos

Relevant Links and Documents


The ConnectinGEO and ENEON workshops will take place at the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) located in Laxenburg, Austria:
Schlossplatz 1
A-2361 Laxenburg
Tel.: (+43-2236) 807 0
Fax: (+43-2236) 71313
E-mail: inf at

Information on the specific meeting rooms will be provided on the program pages.