First Name:
First name must be between 2 - 20 characters. Only Letters and hypen allowed
Last Name:
Last name must be between 2 - 20 characters. Only Letters and hypen allowed
** REMEMBER YOUR PASSWORD ** Password should be between 6 and 20 characters long. Allowed characters ( letters, numbers, !, - )
Organization requires between 3 and 100 characters. Only letters, numbers, -
Department field requires between 3 and 100 characters. Only letters, numbers and hyphens.
In what role(s) would you like to contribute: PI/Co-IProgram CommitteeLead AuthorContributing AuthorWorkshop ParticipantProject StaffGuest Please select at least one role. Explain your choices in the description below.
What authorities are you requesting: [ ] system administrator [ ] developer [ ] evaluator [ ] conversation manager (has the authority to initiate and moderate a conversation) [ ] librarian (can edit the contents of the library) [ ] editor (and open documents and manage them) [ ] group leader (has the authority to set up a web workspace for the group and admit group members) [ ] principal investigator (has the authority to initiate a project and designate co-investigators) [ ] user [ ] stakeholder [ ] auth 1 (tbd) [ ] auth 2 (tbd) [ ] auth 3 (tbd) Please select all authorities you would like to be granted. Provide a justification for the request in the description of your role below. Description of your contribution: Description field requires between 5 and 1000 characters. Sign Up
[ ] system administrator [ ] developer [ ] evaluator [ ] conversation manager (has the authority to initiate and moderate a conversation) [ ] librarian (can edit the contents of the library) [ ] editor (and open documents and manage them) [ ] group leader (has the authority to set up a web workspace for the group and admit group members) [ ] principal investigator (has the authority to initiate a project and designate co-investigators) [ ] user [ ] stakeholder [ ] auth 1 (tbd) [ ] auth 2 (tbd) [ ] auth 3 (tbd)
Please select all authorities you would like to be granted. Provide a justification for the request in the description of your role below.
Description of your contribution: Description field requires between 5 and 1000 characters. Sign Up
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