Marine Litter: Solutions for a Cleaner Ocean
September 28-29, 2022, Brest, France

The Workshop
Workshop Announcement
Full Print Version
List of Participants
Workshop Material
The Road Map
Background Material
Related Sites
SeaTechWeek Special Session
IEEE OES Initiative
Brest 2019 Workshop
Oceans 2019 Town Hall
Brest 2018 Workshop
For User
User Access

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Note that we can only answer your questions if you provide your email address. Your personal information will only be stored for the purpose of answering your questions or replying to your comment. No other use of your email address and/or name will be made.

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Note that we can only answer your questions if you provide your email address. Your personal information will only be stored for the purpose of answering your questions or replying to your comment. No other use of your email address and/or name will be made.