3rd GEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholder Workshop
March 23-25, 2015, Norfolk, VA, USA

Scope | Deadlines | Venue | Logistics | Committees | Participation | Output | Abstracts | Registration | Accommodation | Sessions | Schedule | Program

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The Workshop output includes a refined set of global sustainability indicators, the essential variables required to quantify these indicators, and an assessment of the capability of current and future Earth observation systems to provide observations of these essential variable with sufficient spatial and temporal resolution, accuracy, and latency.

The workshop aimed to provide a process to link societal goals to essential variables. Recommendations aremade concerning this top-down approach and these have been communicated to the GEO Task Teams working on essential variables.

The output is being used used for the project ConnectinGEO, particularly the deliverables D2.1 (a report describing societal goals and the process from societal goals to essential variables) and D2.2 (a review of the status of essential variables in a number of communities associated with GEO SBAs) and communicated to the GEO community.

One goal was to provide recommendations to the Implementation Plan Working Group (IPWG) of GEO developing the strategy for the post-2015 GEO. The recommendations are being communicated to the IPWG throught the GEO Secretariat. These recommendations also will be communicate to the Minsterial Summit on Earth Observations taking place in Mexico City in November 2015 (see the flyer).