Tuesday morning, March 24, 2015
Testing the equipments ...
... and preparing for the remote WebEx participants
The co-chairs of Plenary Session 3, Paola Campus and Andiswa Mlisa, talking about the session.
Participants of the AIP-8 Kick-off meeting on Monday joint the workshop on Tuesday.
The workshop provided ample opportunities for networking.
Jay Pearlman, IEEE, USA, in conversation with Wolfgang Grabs, Germany.
Senay Habtezion: “Report of breakout session 2.1”
Senay Habtezion: “Report of breakout session 2.1”
The Session Co-Chair, Andiswa Mlisa, GEO Secretariat, taking questions.
Kathrine Fontaine, RDA, USA: Report of Breakout Session 2.2
The Rapporteur of Breakout Session 2.2, Kathrine Fontaine, and the Chair, Antonio Bombelli, Italy in dialog with the audience.
Antonio Bombelli answering questions concering essential variables.
Paola Campus, ESF, Strassbourg, France: “Introduction to Monitoring of Changes.”
Paola Campus, ESF, Strasbourg, France: “Introduction to Monitoring of Changes.”
The audience listening to the presentation.
Preparing for the presentation by Roberto Azzolini, Italy
Roberto Azzolini, Italy: “Monitoring the polar regions.”
Roberto Azzolini, Italy: “Monitoring the polar regions.”
The audience in Plenary Session 3 |
Paola Campus, Co-Chair of Plenary Session 3, introducing the next speaker |
The Session Co-Chairs and one of the workshop co-chairs. |
Making sure things are working ... |
Using the break for readings ... |
Break conversations (Jay and Francoise Pearlman) ... |
Using the breaks to continue working ... |
Joan Maso, Coordinator of ConnectinGEO in intense conversation ... |
Relaxing during the break (in the background, Stefano Nativi and Paolo Mazzetti) ... |
Business during breaks (Douglas Cripe, Osamu Ochiai, and Wolfgang Graps) ... |
Building new relations (Senay Habtezion, START, and Dennis Oijma, Future Earth) ... |
Sorting out registration issues ... |
German dialogs (Carsten Detmann and Wolfgang Grabs) ... |
Jay Pearlman, Dork Sahagian, and Mark Bourassa |
Wolfgang Grabs, Germany, chairing Plenary Session 2, introducing the presentation by David Arctur |
The first slide of David Arctur's presentation. |
David Arctur, USA: GEOSS Water Services: Federating Regional and National Water Data |
Mark Bourassa, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA: “Key essential variables: The example of the oceans.”
Slides in Mark Bourassa's presentation |
The session chair and the speaker answering questions ... |
More questions ... |
The audience engaged in the dialog ... |
The speaker is about to bring up ... |
... a slide ... |
... and the workshop co-chair has a comment ... |
Dork Sahagian addresses the question “Science and Society: Symbiotic or Askew?” |
... and his thoughts are fundamental ... |
... leading to many questions ... |
... and answers ... |
... while everbody is in dual processing mode. |
Dennis Oijma speaks about the “Future Earth Research Challenges” ... |
... presents the mission ... |
... and introduces the big challenges Future Earth addresses ... |
... which engages the audience ... |
... and leads to many questions. |
Stefano Nativi, CNR, Italy: “The Next Revolution for the GEOSS Common Infrastructure” |
Stefano Nativi answering questions after his presentation |
More questions ... |
Stefano Nativi's presentation stimulated an engaging discussion. |
In the foreground, Dork Sahagian and Dennis Oijma. |
The session chair and the speaker in a pre-session dialog. |
The speaker looking forward to the presentation. |
The session chair, Hans-Peter Plag, ODU, USA, introducing the speaker, James Syvitski, USA: “Use of Surface-Dynamic Models for Identifying Environmental Indicators and Processes” |
The session co-chair taking questions after James Syvitski's presentation |
James Sysvitski dived into details in his response to the questions. |
There were many questions after James Syvitski's presentation. |