5thGEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholder Workshop
Linking the Sustainable Development Goals to
Earth Observations, Models and Capacity Building

December 9-10, 2016, Berkeley, California, USA

Scope | Deadlines | Venue | Logistics | Committees | Participation | Output | Abstracts | Registration | Accommodation | Schedule | Program

Workshop infos
Related Events

Relevant Links and Documents
Interactions of SDGs

Implementation and Monitoring of SDGs

Capacity Building and Transformation

Tools, Platforms, Knowledge


Support for the Workshop

The workshop is organized by the GEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholder Network.

The workshop is hosted by Berkeley, University of California.

The workshop organization is supported by the GEO Secretariat.

Tiwah supports the Workshop by hosting and maintaining the GSTSS.

Technical Advice and Support for the Workshop

The local organizing committee for the workshops is hosted by Berkeley, University of California.