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Interactions of SDGs
Implementation and Monitoring of SDGs
Capacity Building and Transformation
Tools, Platforms, Knowledge
Developing a Collaborative Platform in Support of the Implementation and Monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals with Earth Observation and Model-Based Knowledge
Achieving the sustainable development targeted by the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) depends on information and knowledge derived from Earth observations and models. GEO has the convening power to bring together those who can generate the knowledge and those who use the knowledge in developing and implementing policies for SDG implementation and monitoring. GEO also can facilitate and contribute to the development of a collaborative platform where providers, scientists, and policy makers can work together to co-design, co-create, and co-use the knowledge for monitoring and implementing the SDGs.
The program and the individual contributions was guided by the "Key Take Aways" from the launch of the IISD SDG Knowledge Hub:
- “We have an abundance of knowledge, not a shortage. Our true challenge is to better understand the needs of those implementing the 2030 Agenda so that we can more effectively match supply and demand.
- We need creative mechanisms for simplifying and translating knowledge into forms that are relevant, timely and actionable.
- A transformative agenda requires a new mindset, business as usual will not do. We must change the way we think and work to achieve the SDGs.
- This new mindset must include a massive boost in experimentation, innovation, and capacity building at all levels – multilateral, national and local.
- The 2030 Agenda requires working at an unprecedented pace. We should consider how we can improve our own organizations' ability to be responsive and agile in this fast-paced implementation period. ”
The meeting was at McCone Hall, in Room 575. |
Friday, December 9, 2016
0830 - 0900: | Registration (Room 575) |
0915 - 1100: | Session 1: Linking Societal Knowledge Needs for Sustainable Development to Transformation Knowledge (Co-Chairs: Hans-Peter Plag and Norman Miller) |
0915 - 0925 | Norman Miller, University of California, Berkeley : Welcome and Opening Remarks |
0925 - 0945 | Giovanni Rum, GEO Secretariat: Expectations to the Workshop (presentation) |
0945 - 1020 | Einar Bjorgo UNOSAT Manager, UNITAR: UNOSAT's strategy to support Agenda 2030
1020 - 1110 | Steven Hagan, Oracle: IT Innovations Powering Future GEOSS Systems: Big Data, GeoData, Graph, Sensors, Linked Data, Knowledgebase, Cloud (presentations) |
1110 - 1140: | Coffee Break |
1140 - 1310: | Session 2: Interconnection and Interaction of SDGs (Co-Chairs: Rick Lawford and Hans-Peter Plag, Room 575)
1140 - 1210 | Hans-Peter Plag, Old Dominion University: Challenges and Workshop Goals (presentation)
Challenges: Whole-Society Effort, Process Output, Collaborative Platform |
1210 - 1240 | Rick Lawford: Introduction to SDG 2 Discussions (presentations)
| 1240 - 1310 | Brian Walsh, IIASA (et al.): Food security and SDG Nexus (abstract, presentation)
1310 - 1400: | Lunch |
1400 - 1530: | Session 3: Monitoring Progress Towards Goals: The Information Needs and Gaps (Co-Chairs: Giovanni Rum, Argyro Kavvada, Room: 575) |
1400 - 1425 | Phil Dickerson, EPA: Air Quality |
1425 - 1450 | Rick Lawford, Morgan State University: Possible directions for integration: The WEF Nexus and SDGs (presentations
1450 - 1510 | Giovanni Rum, GEO Secretariat: GEO's contribution in support of SDG monitoring (presentation) |
1510 - 1530 | Lee Hall: Energy MonitoringAir Quality (presentation) |
1530 - 1550 | Brice Mora, Wageningen University: Monitoring progress towards Sustainable Development Goals: the role of land use & land cover (change) monitorings (abstract, presentation)) |
1550 - 1610 | Panel Discussion: Facilitating Data Integration and Aggregation at multiple Scales. Panel: Jay Pearlman, Richard Bernknopf, Brice Mora, Chair: Douglas Cripe
Challenges: Air Quality, Interoperability, Data Integration and Multiple Scales
1610 - 1630: | Coffee Break |
1630 - 1800: | Session 4: Evidence-Based Policy Options for Implementing Goals: Knowledge Needs and Gaps (Co-Chair: Jay Pearlman, Room 575) |
1630 - 1645 | Jay Pearlman: Evidence-Based Policy Options for Implementing Goals: Knowledge Needs and Gaps (presentation) |
1645 - 1800 | Panel Discussion: What are pathways to the creation of transformation knowledge?
Panel: Richard Bernknopf, Brain Walsh, Mary Hill, Norman Miller, Hans-Peter Plag; chair: Juli Trtani
Challenges: Whole-Society Effort, GEOSS Solution Compendium, User Engagement
1830 - 2100: | Social Dinner (no host) |
Saturday, December 10, 2016
0830 - 0900: | Registration |
0900 - 1030: | Session 5: Adding Models to Earth Observations (Chair: James Syvitski, Room: 575)
0900 - 0915 | James Syvitski: Session Goals (presentation) |
0915 - 0935 | Stefano Nativi: GEOSS Activities for SDGs: Model Webs to answer "what if" questions (abstract, presentation) |
0935 - 0955 | Mary C Hill (KU), Ruth Douglas Miller (KSU), Danny Rogers (KSU), and Joshua Roundy (KU): A Food-Energy-Water Calculator, with initial application to Western Kansas (abstract, presentation) |
0955 - 1015 | Robert Barron: Integrated Assessment Based Analysis of Sustainable Development Goal Interactions and Implementation Policies (abstract, presentation) |
1015 - 1030 | All: Discussion: Coupled Agent-Based and Equation-Based Models: Can they Produce Transition Knowledge?
Challenges: GEOSS Solutions Compendium |
1030 - 1100: | Coffee Break |
1100 - 1230: | Session 6: Building Capacity for Evidence-Based Policies for Sustainable Development (Co-Chairs: Douglas Cripe, Argyro Kavvada, Room: 575)
1100 - 1115 | Douglas Cripe: Session Goals |
1115 - 1135 | Werner Balogh (presented by Douglas Cripe): Development of a Space Capacity Index (SCI) and a Space Solutions Compendium (SSC) |
1135 - 1155 | Argyro Kavvada: SDG Initiative: EO in Service of the 2030 Agenda and Capacity Building (presentation) |
1155 - 1205 | Hans-Peter Plag: NASA DEVLEOP: Capacity Builidng for SDG-Related Monitoring |
1205 - 1230 | Panel Discussion: Options for GEO-Facilitated Capacity Building at National, Regional, and Global Levels
Panel: Argyro Kavvada, Nancy Searby, Rick Lawford, Chair: Douglas Cripe
Challenges: Capacity Building and Networking, Capacity Building |
1230 - 1330: | Lunch |
1330 - 1600: | Session 7: Ideation: Seeing the world through the eyes of the SDGs (Co-Chairs: Hans-Peter Plag, Stefano Nativi, Room 575)
1330 - 1340 | Hans-Peter Plag: Ideation: Seeing the World Through the Eyes of a SDG (presentation) |
1340 - 1545 | All: Ideation for SDG2: No Hunger - Chairs: Shelley Jules-Plag and Hans-Peter Plag |
1545 - 1600 | Hans-Peter Plag and Stefano Nativi: Summary and Outlook: Progress towards a paradigm |