| Session Description
December 16, 2019 10:00-12:00 | Session 1: Speed Meetings
This session will provide the opportunity for all participants to get to know each other in a speed meeting before we start to dive into our subject.
As an assignment to prepare for the speed meeting each participant will have to prepare a personal presentation following the template available in the Workspace. The personal presentations have to be uploaded in the Workspace under "Workshop Contributions."
You will have only 2 minutes to present your slides!
December 16, 2019 13:30-15:30 | Session 2: State of the Art and Emerging Opportunities
This session will briefly summarize the outcomes of previous events and discuss the state of the art concerning observation, indicators, and the creation of use ready knowledge. The session will include a report on relevant prevous events (2018 Workshop, the Town Hall at Oceans 2019 in Seattle, and the GEO Week in Canberra), a brief overview of the road map that resulted from the 2018 Workshop and outlooks on what is emerging.
December 16, 2019 16:00-17:30 | Session 3: Monitoring: From Sensors to Indicators and Policy
In this session, invited papers will give an overview of key aspects of marine debris, including its origin and quantities, scenarios of future developments, and potential impacts. Emerging approaches to the linking of observation and knowledge to policy making will be introduced. The challenge of connecting data to actions will be addressed and recently proposed concepts, such as the “global digital ecosystem for the environment” and “Data as Active Subjects” will be considered.
December 17, 2019 09:00-11:30 | Session 4: Observations and Models for Marine Debris Indicator
In this session, invited papers will discuss the current set of accepted and proposed indicators for marine debris and outline the status in terms of methodology and data availability of these indicators.
December 17, 2019 11:30-13:00 | Session 5: Poster Session
Posters addressing a wide range of aspect of marine debris from origin, quantity, future scenarios, impacts, indicators, monitoring, and modeling are invited. These posters will be displayed and the poster authors will get a chance to briefly present their posters before and during the lunch break.
December 17, 2019 13:30-15:30 | Session 6: Connecting Data to Action
In this session, knowledge needs related to policy making addressing the challenge of marine debris will be introduced in two keynotes. After that, a participatory effort will be made to develop a vision for the initiative.
With the goal to develop a vision for what should be achieved within the next five years, the following activities are planned:
1400 - 1405: | R. Garello and H.-P. Plag: Introduction |
1405 - 1410: | Individual: The Current Situation |
1410 - 1415: | Individual: The Desirable Future in Five Years |
1415 - 1445: | Four Breakout Groups: Synthesis of Vision |
1445 - 1500: | Rapporteurs: Reports to Plenary |
1500 - 1510: | All: Vote on Draft Visions |
1510 - 1530: | All: Polishing the Consensus Vision |
December 17, 2019 16:00-17:30 | Session 7: Roadmap
This session will take a collaborative and particpatory approach to the further development of the roadmap that came out of the 2018 Workshop. The road map will be focused on the vision developed in Session 6.
1600 - 1610: | R. Garello and H.-P. Plag: The Draft Road Map: Key Themes, Progress, Delays, Issues, ... |
1610 - 1630: | J. Chupin: A Collective Approach to Reducing Marine Debries |
1630 - 1700: | Four Breakout Groups: Road Map for the four main themes (to be updated):
- What is the concrete objective/deliverable?
- By when?
- What are the key activities to realise it?
- Who is responsible for it?
1700 - 1715: | Rapporteurs: Reports to the Pleanry |
1715 - 1730: | All: Polishing the Road Map |
December 18, 2019 09:00-11:00 | Session 8: Working Groups - Roadmap
Selected aspects of the roadmap will be further developed in parallel working groups and the outcomes of these working groups will be integrated into the roadmap agreed upon during Session 7.
December 18, 2019 11:00-12:00 | Session 9: Wrap Up - Conclusions
The session will summarize the proceedings of the workshop and underline the main conclusions.
December 18, 2019 12:00-13:00 | Session 10: Poster Session
This session is a continuation of the poster session that started on Tuesday, see Session 5.